Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Edwin Denim Co. + Cookson & Clegg | Japanese denim, English manufacture

Heavy Denim is the name of this blog, but that doesn't mean we only cover denim - far from it. Instead, the title sprang from a joke between me and Mat (the Editor of Buckets and Spades) complaining about the weight of our jeans. Or something like that, I forget it's true origin. As you can tell from that anecdote, we're a funny pair when we meet for a beer!

That said, when a pair of good looking jeans come along, we're not going to sniff at them.

Japanese denim is highly regarded - like cars and electronics, anything America can do, Japan can equal, if not better - while a heavy weight of denim is high sought after. As Boris "the Blade" says, weight is a sign of reliability, although he doesn't mention how much you might sweat in the summer.

It follows, therefore, that a pair of 14oz Japanese Selvage jeans are something to pay attention to.

The history of Japanese denim is actually fairly short, by comparison to some of their US counterparts. Even so, Edwin still have a rich past and a collaboration with an English manufacturer who have been in business for over 150 years - Cookson & Clegg - makes these jeans even more eye-catching.

I can guarantee (although that is in no way binding), that bringing all of these factors together will delver a product of some quality; a product that you're not going to replace in a hurry, if ever. A high-rise cut and tapered fitting should also help these jeans stay 'in fashion' - whatever that really means. Based on a 1950s design, these are a descendant of real workwear, not a fifteen minute fad.

Where to find them: Liquor Store, Birmingham

(Thanks to Mat for the heads-up on that one)

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